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"A wafer is a crisp, often sweet, very thin, flat, light and dry cookie, often used to decorate ice cream, and also used as a garnish on some sweet dishes. Wafers can also be made into cookies with cream flavoring sandwiched between them. They frequently have a waffle surface pattern but may also be patterned with insignia of the food´s manufacturer or may be patternless. Some chocolate bars, such as Kit Kat and Coffee Crisp, are wafers with chocolate in and around them." - (en.wikipedia.org 23.09.2021)
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  • Úrnapi fotó / Fronleichnam

    Úrnapi fotó / Fronleichnam

    Úrnapi virágszőnyeg. Zöldes...

    Object information
    Image: Budaörsi Bleyer Jakab Heimatmuseum - CC BY-NC-SA

