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"Graphite (/ˈɡræfaɪt/) is a crystalline form of the element carbon. It consists of stacked layers of graphene. Graphite occurs naturally and is the most stable form of carbon under standard conditions. Synthetic and natural graphite are consumed on large scale (300 kton/year, in 1989) for uses in pencils, lubricants, and electrodes. Under high pressures and temperatures it converts to diamond. It is a good (but not excellent) conductor of both heat and electricity." - ( 03.09.2023)
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  • Graphitanflug auf Granitporphyr

    Graphitanflug auf Granitporphyr

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    Image: Harzmuseum Wernigerode - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Kämmen das Haar wir...

    Kämmen das Haar wir...

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    Image: Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Graphit


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    Image: Sammlungen der Universität Mainz - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Grafit


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    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Grafit


    Mm körüli szürke, fémes fényű...

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    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc - CC BY-NC-SA



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