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"Agrellite (NaCa2Si4O10F) is a rare triclinic inosilicate mineral with four-periodic single chains of silica tetrahedra. The IMA symbol is Are.

It is a white to grey translucent mineral, with a pearly luster and white streak. It has a mohs hardness of 5.5 and a specific gravity of 2.8. Its type locality is the Kipawa Alkaline Complex, Quebec, Canada, where it occurs as tabular laths in pegmatite lenses. Other localities include Murmansk Oblast, Russia, Dara-i-Pioz Glacier, Tajikistan, and Saima Complex, Liaoning, China. Common associates at the type locality include Zircon, Eudialyte, Vlasovite, Miserite, Mosandrite-(Ce), and Calcite." - ( 07.01.2022)



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