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Grossular is a calcium-aluminium species of the garnet group of minerals. It has the chemical formula of Ca3Al2(SiO4)3 but the calcium may, in part, be replaced by ferrous iron and the aluminium by ferric iron. The name grossular is derived from the botanical name for the gooseberry, grossularia, in reference to the green garnet of this composition that is found in Siberia. Other shades include cinnamon brown (cinnamon stone variety), red, and yellow. Grossular is a gemstone.

In geological literature, grossular has often been called grossularite. Since 1971, however, use of the term grossularite for the mineral has been discouraged by the International Mineralogical Association.
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  • Grosszulár


    Max. 1,5 mm-es, barna,...

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    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Grosszulár, diopszid

    Grosszulár, diopszid

    Barnás-szürkés színű, sávos...

    Object information
    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Kuszpidin, grosszulár, magnetit, ettringit, kalcit

    Kuszpidin, grosszulár, magnetit, ettringit, kalcit

    Kuszpidin, grosszulár,...

    Object information
    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Klinoklor, klinozoisit, grosszulár

    Klinoklor, klinozoisit, grosszulár

    Klinoklor: sötétzöld,...

    Object information
    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Grosszulár


    Kőzetet átszelő, 2,5 mm...

    Object information
    Image: Herman Ottó Múzeum, Miskolc - CC BY-NC-SA



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