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"Strafbataillon (English: "penal battalion") is the generic term for penal units that were created from prisoners during the Second World War in all branches of the Wehrmacht. Soldiers, criminals and civilians sentenced to those units were generally poorly armed and required to undertake dangerous high-casualty missions. The Strafbataillon were operated and administered by the Feldgendarmerie, the German military police.

By 1943, the course of the war had turned against Nazi Germany. Military losses and the need to maintain discipline by example made the German High Command order that further punishment units should be formed from the thousands of Wehrmacht military prisoners that were held in its military prisons. The Strafbataillon, which were under the control of the Feldgendarmerie, were then used to conduct dangerous operations (sometimes akin to suicide missions) for the Heer, such as clearing minefields, assaulting difficult objectives and defending positions against overwhelming attacking forces. They were also made to do hard manual labor in frontline locations, building and repairing military infrastructure and defenses." - ( 09.06.2024)
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  • Koppelschloss eines Angehörigen eines Bewährungsbataillons der Wehrmacht, Deutsches Reich, nach 1941

    Koppelschloss eines Angehörigen eines Bewährungsbataillons der Wehrmacht, Deutsches Reich, nach 1941

    Ein Koppelschloss eines...

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    Image: Deutsch-Russisches Museum Berlin-Karlshorst - CC BY-NC-SA



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