Western Moldavia

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"Western Moldavia (Romanian: Moldova), also called Moldavia or Romanian Moldavia, is the historic and geographical part of the former Principality of Moldavia situated in eastern and north-eastern Romania. Until its union with Wallachia in 1859, the Principality of Moldavia also included, at various times in its history, the regions of Bessarabia (with the Budjak), all of Bukovina, and Hertza; the larger part of the former is nowadays the independent state of Moldova, while the rest of it, the northern part of Bukovina, and Hertza form territories of Ukraine.

The Romanian region itself consists of eight counties, spanning over 18% of Romania´s territory. Most of Moldavia (6 out of 8 counties) is part of the Nord-Est development region, while the two southern counties are located in Sud-Est development region." - (en.wikipedia.org 23.09.2020)
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