Bánki Donát (1859-1922)

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Name (English)
Bánki Donát
Short name
Donát Bánki
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Donát Bánki (born as Donát Lőwinger, 6 June 1859 – 1 August 1922)was a Hungarian Jewish mechanical engineer and inventor. In 1893 he invented the carburetor for the stationary engine, together with János Csonka (known as the Bánki-Csonka engine). The invention is often, incorrectly credited to the German Wilhelm Maybach, who submitted his patent half a year after Bánki and Csonka. Bánki also greatly contributed to the design of compressors for combustion engines. He invented a water-turbine, as well, which is named after him.

In 1898, Donát Bánki invented the high-compression engine with a dual carburetor, an evaporation method used ever since." - (en.wikipedia.org 09.05.2020)
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