Max Wien (1866-1938)

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Name (English)
Max Wien
Short name
Max Wien
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Max Karl Werner Wien (German pronunciation: [ˈviːn]; 25 December 1866 – 22 February 1938) was a German physicist and the director of the Institute of Physics at the University of Jena. He was born in Königsberg, Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia). He was a cousin of Nobel laureate Wilhelm Wien.

Wien studied in Konigsberg, Freiburg, and Berlin under Hermann von Helmholtz and August Kundt, receiving his PhD under Helmholtz in 1888. In 1892 he worked with Wilhelm Röntgen in Würzburg, where in 1893 he received the habilitation, qualifying him to be a professor. He moved to the Technical High School of Aachen in 1898 where he became Extraordinary Professor in 1899. In 1904 he became full Professor at the Technical High School of Danzig (now Gdansk, Poland). From 1911 to 1935 he was Professor at University of Jena, in Jena, Germany, where he died in 1938." - ( 29.02.2020)
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