Xokleng (Ethnie)

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Name (English)
Xokleng (Ethnie)
Short name
Xokleng (Ethnie)
Short Description
"The Xokleng Indians of the sub-group Laklanõ, from Ibirama Indigenous Area (Terra Indígena Ibirama – TII) situated in the highlands of the State of Santa Catarina, are the survivors of the brutal process of colonization in southern Brazil which began in the mid XIX century, and which has been responsible for their almost total extermination. Despite of the extermination of other Xokleng sub-groups who lived in the state of Santa Catarina until the early decades of the XX century, and the confinement of the survivors in reserved areas, in 1914, the Xokleng-Laklanõ were contacted and came together around the TII. ..." - https://pib.socioambiental.org/en/Povo:Xokleng, 02.12.2018
Entity Encoding
