Karl Eger (1879-1933)

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Name (English)
Karl Eger
Short name
Eger, Karl
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"On March 22nd, the funeral took place of Mr. Karl Eger who died in the Sz Shen Sz hospital after a long illness. Mr. Eger came to China from Germany and has resided in Chengtu for over twenty years, being engaged in business agency.
He frequently attended the Community services and contributed generously to many of the missionary causes in and around Chengtu. The funeral services at the Men’s Hospital Chapel and the Foreign Cemetery were conducted by the Revd. T. Torrance, assisted by others, and there was a large attendance of both Chinese and Foreign friends. Mr. Eger’s daughter, who is being trained as a nurse in Chungking, was the chief mourner." - The West China Missionary News, May 1933, Page: 52
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