Justizministerium der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik

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Name (English)
Justizministerium der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
Short name
Ministry of Justice (East Germany)
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"The Ministry of Justice of the German Democratic Republic (German: Justizministerium der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik) was established in 1949 in East Germany and dissolved in 1990. Its duties were subsequently taken up by the federal Ministry of Justice of the united Germany, and the justice ministries of the six new federal states. The Ministry was housed at 93 Dorothea Street (Dorotheenstraße 93), the former offices of the Weimar and Nazi Interior Ministry. It published the journal Neue Justiz." - (en.wikipedia.org 29.01.2020)
Entity Encoding
Search for this on museum-digital
  • Plakat "10 Jahre demokratische Justiz", 1956

    Plakat "10 Jahre demokratische Justiz", 1956

    Das gelbe Plakat ist schwarz...

    Object information
    Image: Museum Weißenfels - Schloss Neu-Augustusburg - CC BY-NC-SA

