Internationale Demokratische Frauenföderation

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Name (English)
Internationale Demokratische Frauenföderation
Short name
Women´s International Democratic Federation
Short Description
"Women´s International Democratic Federation (WIDF) is an international organization that professes to work for women´s rights, which was established in 1945 and most active during the Cold War. Its initially identified areas of concern included anti-fascism, world peace, child welfare and improving the status of women. During the Cold War era, it was described as Communist-leaning and pro-Soviet. International Day for Protection of Children, observed in many countries as Children´s Day on June 1 since 1950, is said to have been established by the Federation on its November 1949 congress in Moscow. The WIDF published a monthly magazine, Women of the Whole World, in English, French, Spanish, German, and Russian, with occasional issues in Arabic." - ( 01.02.2020)
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