Jakob I. von Schottland (1394-1437)

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Name (English)
Jakob I. von Schottland
Short name
James I of Scotland
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Henry IV died on 20 March 1413.

Henry V had different attitude towards James and regarded him as a prisoner and held him at the Tower of London and at Windsor Castle1420 – 1422By this time, Henry now regarded James as a guest at court and took him on campaigns to France until Henry´s death [10]1423In August the council agreed that negotiations between Scotland and England should begin for James´s release [11]1424James married Joan Beaufort in February; released from captivity and is crowned at Scone Abbey, 21 May[12]1425James destroyed his near relatives, the Albany Stewarts, and forfeited their lands[13]1425 – 1427James got Parliament´s agreement to restrict the influence of the Church and the prelacy[14]1428 – 1431James attempted to bring the Lordship of the Isles under direct control of the Crown by force failed1429By this time, James had stopped all ransom payments[15]1436 James led an unsuccessful attack against the English enclave at Roxburgh Castle which drew much criticism[16]1437James murdered in his chambers in the Greyfriars monastery in Perth by men acting for his uncle, Walter, Earl of Atholl, on 20 February." - (en.wikipedia.org 31.01.2020)
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