Kasimir III. von Polen (1310-1370)

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Name (English)
Kasimir III. von Polen
Short name
Casimir III the Great
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Casimir III the Great (Polish: Kazimierz III Wielki; 30 April 1310 – 5 November 1370) reigned as the King of Poland from 1333 to 1370. He was the third son of King Władysław I ("the Ell-long") and Duchess Jadwiga of Kalisz, and the last Polish king from the Piast dynasty.

Kazimierz inherited a kingdom weakened by war and made it prosperous and wealthy. He reformed the Polish army and doubled the size of the kingdom. He reformed the judicial system and introduced a legal code, gaining the title "the Polish Justinian". Kazimierz built extensively and founded the University of Kraków, the oldest Polish university. He also confirmed privileges and protections previously granted to Jews and encouraged them to settle in Poland in great numbers." - (en.wikipedia.org 31.01.2020)
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  • Портрет Казимира Великого, короля польського. З серії "Hommes illustres polonais» (Видатні люди Польщі)

    Портрет Казимира Великого, короля польського. З серії "Hommes illustres polonais» (Видатні люди Польщі)

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    Object information
    Image: Національний музей історії України - CC BY-NC-SA

