Wiener Werkstätte GmbH

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Name (English)
Wiener Werkstätte GmbH
Short name
Wiener Werkstätte
Short Description
"The Wiener Werkstätte (engl.: Vienna Workshop), established in 1903 by the graphic designer and painter Koloman Moser, the architect Josef Hoffmann and the patron Fritz Waerndorfer was a productive cooperative of artisans in Vienna, Austria bringing together architects, artists and designers working in ceramics, fashion, silver, furniture and the graphic arts. It is regarded as a pioneer of modern design, and its influence can be seen in later styles such as Bauhaus and Art Deco.

Following World War I, the workshop was beset by financial troubles and material shortages. Attempts to expand the workshop´s base were unsuccessful, and ultimately it was forced to close in 1932." - ( 29.01.2020)
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