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Name (English)
Short name
OroVerde – Die Tropenwaldstiftung
Short Description
"OroVerde – Die Tropenwaldstiftung (OroVerde - The Tropical Forest Foundation) is a non-profit environmental organisation working on the preservation of tropical forests. For this purpose, international projects are initiated, supported and realized in cooperation with local partner organisations. In Germany, environmental education projects are promoted and materials for teachers and pupils are created.

OroVerde was founded in 1989 by renowned individuals from business and nature sciences in Frankfurt. Today OroVerde's projects are coordinated from Bonn. There are 10 full-time staff members working for the organisation, as well as volunteers and interns. Currently Volkhard Wille is chairman of OroVerde and Prof. Manfred Niekisch, PhD, director of the Frankfurt Zoological Garden, is chairman of the foundation board." - (en.wikipedia.org 14.06.2024)
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