David Brown Ltd.

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Name (English)
David Brown Ltd.
Short name
David Brown Ltd.
Short Description
"David Brown Santasalo, formerly David Brown Engineering, is a British engineering company, principally engaged in the manufacture of gears and gearboxes. Their major gear manufacturing plant is in Swan Lane, Lockwood, Huddersfield, adjacent to Lockwood railway station. It is named after the company's founder, David Brown, though it is more closely associated with his grandson, Sir David Brown (1904–1993)." - (en.wikipedia.org 09.06.2024)
Entity Encoding
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  • DAVID BROWN Albion 5ft. Combine

    DAVID BROWN Albion 5ft. Combine

    Es handelt sich um die...

    Object information
    Image: DAVIS BROWN Co. Ltd. - CC BY-NC

