Natalija Kobrynska (1855-1920)

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Name (English)
Natalija Kobrynska
Short name
Nataliya Kobrynska
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Nataliya Kobrynska (8 June 1851 – 22 January 1920) was a Ukrainian writer, socialist feminist, and activist from Austria-Hungary.

The daughter of Reverend Ivan Ozarkevych, a priest who was later elected to the Austrian Parliament, and Teofilia Okunevska, she was born Nataliya Ozarkevych in the village of Beleluia in the Galicia province of Austria-Hungary. At that time, women were not allowed to pursue education beyond the elementary level and so she was mainly educated at home. She studied several languages: German, French, Polish and Russian and read literature from various counties. In 1871, she married Theofil Kobrynsky. He died a few years later and she was forced to return to Bolekhiv to live with her parents." - ( 09.06.2024)
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    Image: Дім Франка / Franko House - CC BY-NC-SA

