Норильський табір

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Name (English)
Норильський табір
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Short Description
Norillag, Norilsk Corrective Labor Camp (Russian: Норильлаг, Норильстрой, Норильский ИТЛ) was a gulag labor camp set by Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia and headquartered there. It existed from June 25, 1935 to August 22, 1956.

Initially, the Norillag labor force was responsible for the construction of the Norilsk mining-metallurgic complex and for mining copper and nickel. Its activities gradually expanded into virtually all economical functions of the region, from fishing to "reconstruction of the house where lived Comrade I.V. Stalin in exile".
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    Object information
    Image: Меморіальний музей тоталітарних режимів "Територія Терору". - CC BY-NC-SA

