Fotoatelier Louis Devolder

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Name (English)
Fotoatelier Louis Devolder
Short name
Fotoatelier Louis Devolder
Short Description
Fotoatelier in
- Schaerbeek-Bruxelles, Rue de Branbant 149 (1889-1899)

Über Louis Devolder:
"1888 - 1914 Bruxelles - Schaerbeek [no. 149] then Saint-Josse [no. 110], Rue de Brabant, 149 [89-99] or 149-151 then 110 [01-14]
Predecessor: Devolder Frères
On the numerous CVs at this address "L. Devolder", which may be a trading name successively covering Aloïse, known as Louis, then his widow and son. "Devolder - Lenaerts" in the directories, 1891-1892, referring unambiguously to Aloïse Devolder (see that name), who died at no. 110 on 21.4.1901 and was husband of Marie Louise Lenaerts (° Tirlemont, 6.12.1860). On Aloïse's death certificate, she is also recorded as a photographer. In the 1902 directory, no. 149-151. At an unspecified date, branch studio in Reims [F], Rue Carnot, 27-29 (formerly Rue des Tapissiers). "Devolder Veuve" in the 1905 and 1906 directories. On the occasion of his wedding in Brussels - Watermael on 23.1.1910, their son Edmond Félix Arthur Devolder (° Brussels - Schaerbeek, 6.5.1888) was recorded as a photographer at this address, whereas his mother was now described as a person of independent means." -;isaar, 09.10.2022
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