Fotoatelier Nicolas Calphas

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Name (English)
Fotoatelier Nicolas Calphas
Short name
Fotoatelier Nicolas Calphas
Short Description
Fotoatelier in
- Brüssel, Place de Brouckère, 37 (1878-1881)
- Brüssel, Boulevard du Nord 17 (1881-1884)
- Brüssel, Boulevard Anspach 4 (1884-1892)

Zu Nicolas Calphas: "
Life dates: Constantinople [TR], 1845 - Paris, 1919
Activity: 1878 * - 1881 / Bruxelles, Place de Brouckère, 37
° 6.10.1845; + 17.2.1919. Enameller and photographer. Younger brother of Athanase (see that name). First in Brussels - Saint-Gilles, then moved to Rue des Bouchers, 12 on 25.9.1874, subsequently to Brussels - Saint-Josse on 22.3.1877, where a son was born on 8.1.1878 and Calphas was recorded as a photographer. Arrived from Saint-Josse on 16.9.1878. On his wedding certificate of 28.6.1880, he is recorded as a typographer [transcription error?] resident at this address.
1881 * - 1884 / Bruxelles, Boulevard du Nord, 17
At this address from 27.1.1881 until 23.1.1884. Recorded as a photographer resident in Brussels when a witness at Auguste Simon's wedding in Brussels on 3.9.1881.
1884 * - 1892 / Bruxelles, Boulevard Anspach, 4
Enameller and photographer. Arrived at this address on 23.1.1884. Left for Galerie du Commerce, 74 on 10.9.1892. In the directories "Calphas V.", at no. 44 from 1888 until 1892. Calphas left very soon afterwards for Paris [F] where he opened a shop for "oriental goods" at Quai aux Fleurs, 7. He attempted to commit suicide with a revolver in the Russian church in Paris on 23.7.1894. His balance of mind appears to have been affected by a claim relating to an alleged family loan of three million francs to the Sultan in Constantinople that had become an obsession. Calphas' death certificate recorded his occupation as technician ("mécanicien").
1878 * - 1881 / Bruxelles, Place de Brouckère, 37
1881 * - 1884 / Bruxelles, Boulevard du Nord, 17
1884 * - 1892 / Bruxelles, Boulevard Anspach, 4
VERHOOSELE, Françoise. "De Fotografenfamilie Calphas", Van Mensen en Dingen - Tijdschrift voor volkscultuur in Vlanderen, vol. 15 (2017), no. 1-2, pp. 7-32." -;isaar, 19.09.2022
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