Ruhr-Zoo Gelsenkirchen

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Name (English)
Ruhr-Zoo Gelsenkirchen
Short name
ZOOM Erlebniswelt
Short Description
"ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen, founded on April 14, 1949, as "Ruhr-Zoo", is one of the most modern zoological gardens in Germany. It was founded on a heavily shelled area in Gelsenkirchen adjacent to a port on the Rhine–Herne Canal. It initially encompassed 15.5 hectares. During its first years, there was a large turnover of animals as they were provided by an animal trader.

Today the park is owned by the City of Gelsenkirchen via GEW – Gesellschaft für Energie und Wirtschaft mbH, (society for energy and business), a holding of municipally owned concerns.

After 2004 the park was enlarged to the present size." - ( 12.04.2022)
Entity Encoding
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    Object information
    Image: Übersee-Museum Bremen - CC BY-SA

