Türk Péter (1943-2015)

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Name (English)
Türk Péter
Short name
Péter Türk
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Péter Türk (6 May 1943 – 8 March 2015) hungarian visual artist. In 1969, he became a member of the Szürenon group, then an important participant in the Hungarian neo-avantgarde scene. In 1970, he took part in the R-Exhibition, held at the University of Technology (Budapest), and was an exhibitor at György Galántai's Balatonboglár Chapel between 1970 and 1972. In 1976, he participated in the exhibition titled Exposition. Photo/Art (Hatvany Lajos Museum, Hatvan). His first significant solo show was held at Budapest Galéria Józsefvárosi Kiállítóterme in 1987, under the title Psychograms, Phenomena. He participated in many international group shows (e.g. Időhíd – Zeitbrücke, 2001, Museum Moderner Kunst, Passau, Germany; Tolerance in Art, 2009, Danubiana – Meulensteen Art Museum, Bratislava, Slovakia). His works can be found in the collections of Kunsthalle Praha (Praha), the Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art (Budapest), and the Hungarian National Gallery (Budapest), among others." - (en.wikipedia.org 26.02.2022)
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    Türk Péter: Fenomének

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    Object information
    Image: Paksi Városi Múzeum - Paksi Képtár - CC BY-NC-SA

  • Türk Péter: Fenomének

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    Object information
    Image: Paksi Városi Múzeum - Paksi Képtár - CC BY-NC-SA

