Demokratische Bauernpartei Deutschlands (DBD)

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Name (English)
Demokratische Bauernpartei Deutschlands
Short name
Democratic Farmers´ Party of Germany
Short Description
"The Democratic Farmers´ Party of Germany (German: Demokratische Bauernpartei Deutschlands, DBD) was an East German political party. The DBD was founded in 1948. It had 52 representatives in the Volkskammer, as part of the National Front. The DBD participated in all GDR cabinets (with exception of the last GDR cabinet). The founding of the DBD was an attempt by the SED to weaken the influence of CDU/LDPD in the rural community by establishing a party loyal to the SED. The leadership cadre came mainly from the ranks of the SED. In the late 1980s, the party had 117,000 members." - ( 30.01.2020)
Entity Encoding
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  • Medaille "Alles für das Wohl des Volkes und den Frieden", DBD 1982

    Medaille "Alles für das Wohl des Volkes und den Frieden", DBD 1982

    Die Medaille zur Erinnerung...

    Object information
    Image: Stiftung Domäne Dahlem - Landgut und Museum, Weiternutzung nur mit Genehmigung des Museums - CC BY-NC-SA

