The Skunks

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Name (English)
The Skunks
Short name
The Skunks
Short Description
"The Skunks are a three-piece rock band formed in 1977 in Austin, Texas. The band debuted in early 1978 at Raul's, quickly became a mainstay of the Austin, Texas music scene. They rapidly expanded their fan base beyond early punk/new wave into clubs whose audiences crossed the spectrum, including the Armadillo World Headquarters, the Continental Club, Dukes Royal Coach, Club Foot, Liberty Lunch, and many others in the late 1970s and early 80s. The Skunks music channeled classic rock influences, such as The Rolling Stones and The Who with Seventies cult figures such as the New York Dolls and The Velvet Underground." - ( 21.12.2020)
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  • Skunks [Aufnahmedatum und -ort unbekannt] I

    Skunks [Aufnahmedatum und -ort unbekannt] I

    Der Kontaktabzug einer Serie...

    Object information
    Image: Rita Maier / Schwules Museum Berlin - RR-P

