Vincenz Grimm (1801-1872)

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Name (English)
Vincenz Grimm
Short name
Vincent Grimm
Year of birth
Year of death
Short Description
"Vincent (Vincenz, Vince) Grimm (1800, Vienna – 15 January 1872, Budapest) was a Hungarian chess master.

Born in Vienna, he moved to Pest, Hungary in 1823. Grimm has a wide variety of professions and hobbies throughout his life. He was an artist, an art dealer, a pianist, a linguist, a well known billiards master, a gifted drawer, consequently a lithographer and a cartographer. He was also a president of the Pesth (later Budapest) Chess Club which was founded in 1839. Grimm, along with József Szén, Johann Löwenthal, J. Oppenheim, the Zenner brothers, and other players from city of Pesth won a chess correspondence match against Paris between 1842 and 1846, and scored a shocking 2–0 victory, while introducing the Hungarian Defense: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7." - ( 07.11.2021)
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