Kilian Koch (Rechenpfennigmacher)

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Name (English)
Kilian Koch (Rechenpfennigmacher)
Short name
Koch, Kilian (Rechenpfennigmacher)
Short Description
"Rechenpfenningmacher um 1600" -, 24.03.2019

"Koch, Kilian or Chilian (Germ.). A Nuremberg Countermanufacturer of the end of the sixteenth century. His counters, some of which are dated 1587, 1588, 1600, &c., are not quite so common as those of his great competitors, the Krautwinkels and their successors, the Lauffers, &c.
A number of Counters by Kilian Koch are described in Neumann, Kupfer-Münzen, vol. V., n. 32203-21; also in Katalog des numismatisch sphragistischen Sammlungen des Herrn Heinrich Lempertz Senior zu Köln, 1899, n. 4090-4096. They depict various subjects and bear legends in Latin, German, French, &c. with the maker's name: Chilia Koch; - Chilianus Coquus; - C. K.; - K.K.; - Kilianus Koch, etc." - Leonard Forrer, "Biographical Dictionary of Medaillists", Bd. 3, London 1907, S. 190
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