William L. Subjack (1944-)

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Name (English)
William L. Subjack
Short name
Subjack, William L.
Year of birth
Short Description
"Subjack, William L. (geboren 06.11.1944)
Amerikanischer Münzsammler.
Sammlung zur Völkerwanderungszeit versteigert bei Nummorum Auctiones (Italo Vecchi) in den 1980er und 1990er Jahren." - https://ikmk.smb.museum/ndp/person/6267, 19.10.2020

"Born in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Received B.S. from Virginia Tech in 1966. Married to Joyce August 6, 1966. They have two daughters and a son. Employed in chemical engineering with Merck & Co. since 1966.
Subjack collects U.S. Bust Dimes, late Roman coinage and European coinage of 5th to 9th century AD.
With Allen F. Lovejoy contributed “Early Dimes 1796-1837” to America’s Silver Coinage 1794-1891 for the 1986 ANS COAC. Co-author with Davis et al. of Early United States Dimes 1796-1837 published in 1984.
bio by correspondence, 1994
Source credit: Pete Smith, American Numismatic Biographies" - https://nnp.wustl.edu/Library/AdvancedSearch?&fullsearchterm=Subjack&contenttype=Person, 19.10.2020
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